jueves, 7 de enero de 2010

La máquina militar imperialista continúa intacta

Es hora de pasar balance sobre casi un año de gestión del nuevo presidente de Estados Unidos. Y esto es lo que hace con una incómoda paciencia Allan Nairn, un destacado periodista investigativo, experto en asuntos internacionales. La introducción a la entrevista realizada por Amy Goodman no deja dudas de cuán cerca estamos de un rompimiento de las esperanzas cifradas en Barack Obama.

"Well, I think Obama should be remembered as a great man because of the blow he struck against white racism, the cultural blow. And he accomplished that on Election Day. That was huge. This is one of the most destructive forces in world history, and by simply—by virtue of becoming president, Obama did it major damage. But once he became president, by virtue of his actions, just like every US president before him, just like those who ran other great powers, Obama became a murderer and a terrorist, because the US has a machine that spans the globe, that has the capacity to kill, and Obama has kept it set on kill. He could have flipped the switch and turned it off. The President has—turned it off. The President has that power, but he chose not to do so."

A continuación la transcripción: Democracy Now!
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