domingo, 25 de julio de 2010


El próximo número de la revista ADBUSTERS gira en torno a la revolución. Las proyecciones son que la juventud tendrá de nuevo un papel importante en la configuración de las nuevas sensibilidades políticas, como lo viene haciendo poco a poco en los últimos años. Uno de los textos de este número comienza así:
When I was 19 and full of socialist fervor, I went to the Soviet Union to see the workers’ paradise. I spent most of the year on bread lines. And flour lines. And butter lines. My disillusionment was total. The Russian army was withdrawing from a ruinous war in Afghanistan. The economy was nearing collapse. The core beliefs that had served as a foundation for the society were daily being exposed as transparent lies. Drug addiction was rampant, something I couldn’t miss, living as I did across from the city drunk tank; screams filled the Krasnodar night. Bad as it was, no one dared recognize how bad it actually was: The country would shortly cease to exist. It was 1988.

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