martes, 1 de diciembre de 2009

Ciegos ante la pobreza en Estados Unidos

by John Hanrahan
If Michael Harrington, author of "The Other America: Poverty in the United States," were alive today and writing an update of his 1962 classic, he would probably not need to change a word of the following observation from that book:

“...(T)he poor are politically invisible. It is one of the cruelest ironies of social life in advanced countries that the dispossessed at the bottom of society are unable to speak for themselves. The people of the other America do not, by and large, belong to unions, to fraternal organizations, or to political parties. They are without lobbies of their own; they put forward no legislative program. As a group, they are atomized. They have no face; they have no voice....”

Further, Harrington wrote, “society is creating a new kind of blindness about poverty. It is increasingly slipping out of the very experience and consciousness of the nation.”

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